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  • Huzrat, Lashkar - Gwalior


Cosmic forces in the universe control our thoughts which in turn direct our actions. Human brain is very sensitive and responds to the tremendous gravitational forces of a planet. If a person is prone to accident due to the influence of certain malefic planets, then he can be advised to check on his emotions, rash driving or behavior to avoid disastrous results. Astrology is an art which includes the study of various planets and houses of a chart. The observations suggested by an astrologer can help an individual to come out from present problem. He can foresee the causes and possible solutions of his problems. Planets readings in a chart can even warn a person of likely danger he can face in future and also suggest him to take the required precautions and remedial measures.
The Hindu system of astrology has the concept of fixed Zodiac. While in Western system of astrology the concept of moveable Zodiac is being utilized. In Indian Astrology, Ascendant or Lagna is worked out and the interpretation of horoscope is based on the Lagna. All the persons born in between 23 August to 22 Sep every year will belong to Virgo Sun Sign in Western Astrology. Particular time or place of birth is immaterial for them. Indian system of Astrology gives most accurate and true position of Zodiac at the time of birth.
Sun is far bigger than Moon. But due to proximity of Moon, it has direct and stronger magnetic field which affects the living beings on earth. As such, in Vedic Astrology, Moon is given more importance while in Western Astrology; Sun is the centre of considering various aspect of life.
Our great Rishi and Saints, through their ability of foresightedness, had established that the present birth is the result of our past deeds. Mrityu Lok or earth is the place where a person has to reap the results of his past karmas. Before getting salvation or Moksha, one has to take birth again and again unless the effects of his past deeds are not neutralized.
Vedic astrology emphasizes on the existence of rebirth. According to Hinduism, the present life of a person is the reflection of his past deeds of his earlier life. Past or accumulated deeds (karmas) create the circumstances and existence of his present life. The connection between the present and the former life can be understood through astrology. Hence astrology is directly connected to this fundamental aspect of Hinduism.
The fifth house of a horoscope reflects the accumulated karmas of the native?s previous life. Sufferings due to placement of malefic planets or house in a chart are indicative of this theory.
In a horoscope, Kendras i.e. 1st, 4th, 7th and 10th houses, are known very important houses. These houses have special importance for a native. A planet owing two kendras loses its benefic effect. In such a case Kendradhipati Dosha is formed. This Dosha can be formed only in four ascendants namely Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces. In Gemini and Virgo ascendant, Jupiter will be lord of two angular houses. Similarly, for Sagittarius and Pisces ascendant, Mercury will be lord of two Kendras.
Ayanamsa is defined as the angle by which the sidereal ecliptic of a celestial body is less than its tropical ecliptic longitude.

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